Delhi Government has banned Ola, Uber & Rapido Bike Taxi Services

Raja Sharma

Updated: February 21, 2023

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The fact that Delhi government stated in a public notice that “carrying passengers for hire or reward will be regarded as a violation of the Motor Vehicles Act,” and that “aggregators will be responsible for a punishment of one lakh rupees if they are found guilty of this offense,” indicates that the Delhi government has issued a public notice stating that providing bike taxi services for hire or reward will be considered a violation of the Motor Vehicles Act, which is a law that governs the operation of

Ola Rapido News
Delhi Government has banned Ola, Uber & Rapido Bike Taxi Services

Additional Announcement

In addition, the government has announced that aggregators of ride-hailing services, such as Ola, Uber, and Rapido, will be held liable for any violations of the law committed by their customers or drivers. If the aggregators are found to be guilty of this offense, they would be liable to a penalty of one lakh rupees, which is a large sum of money in India. This punishment will be due to them if they are proven guilty.

Public Safety

It’s possible that worries about public safety and the necessity for more stringent control of these services were behind the decision made by the government of Delhi to outlaw bike taxi services. But, this could also have repercussions for the economy, seeing as how the use of bike taxi services has become a common and cost-effective form of transportation throughout India, particularly in crowded areas such as Delhi. Because of the restriction, there may be fewer transit choices available to both locals and tourists, which may have an effect on the local economy.


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